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Q: Good Morning Lauren, regarding your experience with the program… was there anything you learned about your car and the driving situations that you are more comfortable in, now that you have had some practice in accident avoidance?

Lauren Howe: “It’s about getting to know your car. Understanding how it runs, it’s acceleration, braking system and most importantly how it will react to certain situations. It’s like playing a sport for the first time. When you’re faced with an opponent for the first time, you’re unsure what to do so you just go for it. Sometimes it works, mostly though it was having a trial on the situation. When driving on the road, there is no trial situation. When your life is on the line you want to make sure that you know exactly what to do at that moment and have no hesitations about it. Personally, I misunderstood the safest way to hold a steering wheel. Something as simple as that can have a very large effect on your injuries.”